Saturday, December 24, 2016

M Lemont Unleashes Brilliance with Write Like You’re Already Famous!

Do you remember the Golden Ticket from Willy Wonka? The ticket to your wildest dreams and utmost fantasies? Well Write Like You’reAlready Famous (WLYAF) is like that. WLYAF is full of Golden Nuggets, each one a plethora of information when read, studied, pondered and then actualized will help you create your own golden ticket. When M LeMont states says you’re already famous he is giving you the keys to the kingdom, encouraging every reader to defy the ‘rules’, smash the box and break out of our own self-imposed shells. 

WLYAF is witty, thought provoking and entertaining. Author M Lemont shares a wealth of information in varies forms. Some of them direct, some subliminal, all with the intention of motivating you to be the best you can be and break out from millions vying for their fifteen-minutes of fame.

Write Like You’re Already Famous  starts as an interview, a taste of the finer things, a little dazzle and mystery with co-author Jennifer Lopez.  You get to eavesdrop on a conversation between two professionals and Jennifer does a great job of asking the questions I would have if in her shoes. Next you dive into the theory and the reality of being an author in today’s digital universe. It is a tough act and M Lemont shares his strife and victories. 

Then we get to the conversation with you (or me) the direct ‘here’s what you need to do and why’ nitty-gritty of the book.  This includes the Golden Nuggets as well as an introduction to other amazing thought provoking ideas and people out there doing exactly what you are! WLYAF has a bit of repetition, but for me repetition works, it reminds me of how everything is connected and nothing can be put in a silo. You can’t complete only one or two pieces of the puzzle and expect success, you have to follow through to the end. 

Reverberation and spinning of the same ideas in new ways  is actually one of the genius tactics in WLYAF. LeMont challenges the readers to the end, making sure they are paying attention and not skimming the nuggets. If you don’t read the book cover to cover you’ll miss some of the best information he has to offer.

M Lemont taught us about Twitter, the ins and outs and the steps to becoming a master of the Twitter-verse. Write Like You’re Already Famous teaches us about ourselves and give us the tools need to push out of the norm and accomplish our goals.

Get YOUR copy of the book now here. 
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

I'm Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

In high school we were given the assignment to write a story about our family during the holidays. I was a kid and didn’t really appreciate my family at the time. I talked about my family as any teenager would, pointing out the oddities and ridiculousness of tradition. Now that I'm older, I realize the quirks I once saw as character flaws, are actually the threads that will, and do, hold a family together.  

When I look back over the years, some of the best times with my family have been during the holidays. As I have become an adult those times become even more cherished, little pieces of time, nuggets of gold that we carry around in our hearts. 

I have to be honest and state that I struggled with the topic of this post. We all have our favorite Christmas memories. We all also have those memories that are not so merry. Those are the ones we remember more than the good ones. We think of them as scars on our perfect greeting cards. The truth is, those scars make the meaning of Christmas that much more poignant. Those are the events that show us the true meaning of Christmas. 

When I was younger I couldn’t wait to start my life. It was never about what was happening at that moment, it was more about what was ahead of me, the bright, limitless future. As soon as I graduated from high school I moved out on my own. In that time I became fairly estranged from my family and Christmas was just another holiday.  The holidays came and went, and I was alone for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I lived in a one bedroom apartment by myself, and friends were co-workers.  I worked all the time. It was better than sitting in a silent apartment, so of course I worked the holidays. 

In February of the next year I found myself in a predicament and went to my mother’s house to ask for help. No one was home, but I went inside anyway. She and I hadn’t spoken in months, and my visit was unannounced. As I walked through my childhood home it felt different, foreign and like I didn’t belong there. Nothing about the house had changed, and I ventured into the kitchen where I found an overflowing gift basket with my name on it. The dust around the gift told me it had been sitting there for a while, just waiting to be claimed. It was then I realized I had changed. When I left my family, I was of the mindset that I was a girl without a family. As I stood there, it dawned on me that I was wrong. My family was without a daughter. I left the basket unclaimed, and left the house without leaving a note. 

It was time for me to be the daughter who deserved the seat at the family table. It had been saved and left empty, waiting for my return. Seven months passed before I rallied the courage to call my mother and that, to be honest, was out of pure fear of a mother’s wrath. If I didn’t call her that day, I would regret it for the rest of my life. You see, it was August 13th 1994, the day my eldest son was born. I was ready to come home and be part of my family again. 

On Christmas I think about the times I lived without my family, and it makes me cherish every moment even more. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this is true with holidays as well. You don’t realize what you have until it is gone. So the moral of the story is simple. Enjoy the holidays, cherish your family, savor the time you have. There is no holiday without family, and I use the word family loosely. Family -- meaning those who are loved and important in our lives. Happy Holidays to you all! I will see you in 2017!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Procrastination or Inspiration?

As a writer the easiest thing in the universe to do is procrastinate.  

You can find any reason to not write.
Too tired, laundry is piling up, the bathroom needs to be cleaned, you need to go to the store, weeds need to be pulled, the fly buzzing around the room is too distracting, kids need me, too loud, too quiet, no inspiration. I have used them all.

Fortunately, I've broken out of the sticky web of procrastination. Not saying that I don’t fall back every now and again. However I have realized that my procrastination will actually stall my creative flow. I am in essence putting my muse on mute. I have learned that if you keep it silent for too long, when you do turn the volume back up you will find nothing but silence.

I love people that tell you they are ‘working up to’ something. I have learned it is code for ‘I have no freaking idea what I am going to do’. But that’s okay. We've all been there, when the ideas and the flow seem just out of reach, so why waste time staring a blank screen? Why spend precious hours writing useless prattle? If the inspiration isn’t there, it just isn’t there…right?

See, here’s the thing…staring at the blank screen, believe it or not, is not a waste of time. Writing gibberish does more than give you sore shoulders. These seemingly useless exercises can in fact amount to brilliance. How? Because you are doing it! You are focused on your task. You are allowing your mind to wander to all of those wonderful places where the kernels of inspiration collect. Given enough time and patience they will pop and you were soar!

I have said it a million times and I cannot stress it enough. The reason I do is because I don’t want anyone to miss out on the chance of brilliance! If you are going to write, than write! If you are going to write a song, write it! If you are going to conquer the world, get to work!

Someone once said that ‘Procrastination is the ruin of the brilliant man’. And while I'm not going to go to that degree, I will say it is a slippery slope. So mind your balance and open the door for brilliance, it's waiting!

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