Showing posts with label Finders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finders. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2019

Could There Be Demonic Activity Within My House?

Listed below are SOME signs that MAY lead you to believe Demonic Activity is infesting your home.  You may only have one or many depending on the stage the demonic activity resides. With any demon, there is only one purpose possession of your immortal soul. Sounds pretty hardcore, because it is. There are several stages of demonic growth within a dwelling or home -Infestation, Oppression & Possession.

The below are symptoms of the top two stages, Infestation and Oppression. 

Unexplainable foul odors like rancid meat, rotten eggs, or sulfur, that appear from nowhere, from an unknown source.

Knocking or banging on the walls and the source cannot be found - bangs will often come in 3's - as a mocking of the Trinity. The banging also starts after midnight and usually ceases promptly at dawn. 

How are your Animals Acting? -  Remember in both The Conjuring and The Amityville Horror, the dogs refused to come inside the house, and both eventually ended up dead? Hollywood did its research, pay very close to how animals in the home react - are they frightened and alarmed to something that you cannot see but hear? When animals are in the presence of a true demonic entity, they are fully aware of its presence.  Depending on the breed of the dog, there is a “flight or fight” instinct that will occur.  For example, a German Shepherd will begin to become quite aggressive, and the instincts of the animal will be to immediately go into the “fight” mode to protect the family.  Snarling, snapping, and excessive salivating could occur during the fight mode.  Even though the family may see nothing, the animal is clearly displaying an aggressive response at an entity that poses a direct threat to the animal or family.

A noted increase in shadow activity, making the witnessing more frequent and intense for someone spending a lot of time in the dwelling.

Clearly heard growling noises with an unverified source.

The feeling of heaviness, sadness, an unspecified weight when entering the house. People feeling sick to their stomach, headaches, migraines, aches, stabbing pains, general discomfort that cannot be alleviated.  

People who spend extended amounts of time in the house may also show signs of irritability, irrational anger, mood swings, helplessness, and depression. A person may get an overwhelming sense of dread and doom.

Large or heavy objects will move by themselves, they will be thrown, tossed or directed at people or animals in an attempt to cause fear and or harm.
Religious articles that reside within the house or brought into the home go missing, destroyed, or completely disappear without a trace.

Prayer in the home ‘stirs things up.' It may calm things, but then, in most cases, the activity will return with increased strength. This activity is directed at the person or group with the most faith. 

In my upcoming book, Finders, the team of ghost hunters are always on the lookout for demonic activity. The presences of a demon put their team, and the residents of the house, in immediate danger. If the Finders Team see signs of demonic activity, they call in a demonologist like Luke Melloy to investigate and assist in expelling the demon.
As a former priest and marine Luke Melloy is well equipped to fight and defend against the forces of evil.   
Be sure to check out Finders coming  Fall 2019!

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Monday, March 11, 2019

Haunting or Hoax? The Movie Return to Babylon

In my upcoming release 'Finders' demonologist, Luke Melloy and Professional Ghost Hunter Grant Henley capture what looks like a demon morphing out of a patient on video during an interview for their show Ghost Hunting show, "Finders".

Finders Sneak Peak ~
Luke and Grant went back to the observation room. The recording of the session was still in the camera. Grant pulled out the SD Card and inserted it into the computer bringing up the file. They watched and then fast-forwarded to the end of the session, "there, stop there right as I'm shaking her hand. I remember hearing the door open and you introduced Claire. I stepped out of the way and –there, pause it."

Grant paused the video and they both stared at the screen, the woman’s face had completely morphed into something unrecognizable, "Jesus, what the hell is that?"

"That’s a demon."

"Vera isn’t delusional, she’s possessed," Grant said, ejecting the SD Card to take with them. "So why the extreme reaction to Claire?"

"That is the real question, isn’t it? Why stay hidden this long only to expose yourself the instant a complete stranger walks into the room?"

In the 2013 movie Return to Babylon, the silent film by Alex Monty Canawati is said to have real paranormal phenomena occurring right before your eyes. The ghosts of dead actors or demons can be seen morphing in the film! The phenomenon is gaining interest among paranormal researchers as well as cinema experts for its spontaneous morphing of the actors into hideous monstrosities.

Check out Weekend in Weird and Paranormalistics for more details and pics!

The creepy images that appear in the film have yet to be definitely debunked so we could be looking at documented paranormal phenomenon. If you've heard of or seen the film, let me know what you thought!

Haunted or Hoax?

Look for Finders in 2017!

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Teaser Tuesday - New Sneak of Finders!

My current work in progress is entitled Finders.

A reality ghost hunting team uncovers a mass grave, a hungry demon, and a demonologist with a secret...


Jagged stone piled on top of one another created a patchwork of brown and gray hues. Smooth to the touch the hundreds of years of water must've had an effect. Following the stones upward she saw a break in the pattern. Claire estimated about four feet across and perhaps two inches high. 

"Damn right I am getting whatever I want," Claire tried in vain to dry her hands, cursing the extra ten pounds from her water-logged clothes. "A hot Venti Toffee Nut-Latte double shot," she started, grasping the cold slick plastic cord within her hands. "A scalding shower with, warm soft terry cloth towels, heated slippers and another hot coffee."

Claire briefly thanked her trainer, Jorge for making her develop her upper body strength. Using the cord, along with jutting rocks as foot holds Claire started up the well. Ignoring the swinging flashlights creation of odd shapes and reflections off the water, Claire focused upward on the light and sound from above.
The trek was slow going but she seemed to be half way there, judging from the size of the opening at the top.

Hot shower, hot coffee, you can do this...

Looking up she saw something falling toward her in the darkness. She yelped when it hit, hugging the wall. Something grabbed her shoulders throwing her back. Her head it the wall hard. She never knew what people meant by seeing stars until that moment. Losing her grip, she released the cord plummeting back down into the cold water. The shock of the icy water hit again, she kicked to return to the surface. Feeling something wrap around her ankle she focused on her feet seeing a skull like face. Her adrenaline soared, she kicked and struggled to free her ankle. She managed to break free, breaching the surface, gasping for air. 


A few more moments of deafening silence went by, and Luke looked to Grant. Pip growled at the darkness, showing his teeth. The sound of shifting a stone, followed by a scream got their attention. "Claire are you okay?" The sound of a splash echoed off the stone walls, and Luke looked back into the well.  The flashlight swung freely as if there were no weight attached, the light dancing off the water. "Claire?"

The water broke, and Luke heard gasping, struggling. Grant and Craig called out to her again, while Pip barked wildly. "Grant, Craig, anchor me."

Both men grabbed hold of the cabling. Slick and cold within his hands, he heard splashing and gasping again, spurring his movements to reach the bottom.  Releasing his grip, Luke slid into the darkness, the dim light leading the way. "Claire?"

He heard her gasp again. Her head broke through the water. She seemed to be struggling to stay afloat. "Hang on, Claire, I'm almost there." He watched the water break again and then there was silence. "Claire?" When he got no response, Luke released his hold and let himself slide into the water below. Cold, the water enveloped him quickly, his muscles screaming from the shock. The water seemed to be deep, his feet not touching the bottom. Grasping the flashlight, he struggled to untie it, Confusion and worry searing his brain.

There's not that much room down here, where is she?

Not seeing any sign of Claire, he took a breath and submerged himself.  Using the flashlight, he searched the water. Shocked to see the depth of the well he found her several feet below him, long brown hair billowing around her struggling face. Luke swam to her, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her up. Claire shook her head pointing down, and Luke saw something wrapped around her leg. Luke adjusted, tugging and pulling on what seemed to be a weed until it released its hold on her leg. Cresting the water, he gasped for air, as did she, "you okay?" Luke asked holding her tight against him. Her body cold he knew the answer. She nodded weakly.

"Claire, Luke, can you hear us?" Grant called, while Pip barked. "Yeah, we're here," Luke called back, looking to Claire. "You think you can hang on to me?" Shivering and teeth chattering, she nodded, her bright blue eyes focused and alert. "Okay let's get out of here."

Luke started his climb up the well, commanding his muscles to stay engaged. Only a few more feet and they would be out. A loud rumbled followed by the screeching of metal got his attention. "Luke!" Claire's voice, and the alarm in her eyes focused his mind. The water was rising exponentially. Luke quickened his pace. Metal. Luke stopped dead, seeing a flurry of activity above them. A metal grate had positioned itself at the top of the well trapping them. Water rising, no way out. They were in trouble.  "Grant, get us the hell out of here!"


That's it, that is all you get! :)
Hope you enjoyed your teaser of my upcoming release Finders!

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Monday, March 4, 2019

Finders Bucket List - The Door to Hell - Turkmenistan

In my upcoming release, Finders, the Finders Ghost Hunting team have been all over the world investigating paranormal events. One of the places on their ghost bucket list is -- 

The Door to Hell - Turkmenistan

The Door to Hell was originally a gas field set alight by Soviet scientists that has been burning continuously for over 40 years. Inexplicably, spiders seem to love this place and swarm there by the thousands.

According to Turkmen geologist Anatoly Bushmakin, the site was identified by Soviet engineers in 1971. It was originally thought to be a substantial oil field site. The engineers set up a drilling rig and operations to assess the quantity of oil available at the site. Soon after the preliminary survey found a natural gas pocket, the ground beneath the drilling rig and camp collapsed into a wide crater and was buried.

Expecting dangerous releases of poisonous gases from the cavern into nearby towns, the engineers thought it best to burn the gas off. Estimated that the gas would burn out within a few weeks, the gas has instead continued to burn for more than four decades.

In April 2010, the president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, visited the site and ordered that the hole should be closed.  In 2013, he declared the part of the Karakum Desert with the crater a nature reserve.

Learn more here!

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Did that Shadow Move? - Shadow People - Types and Motivations

In my upcoming release, Finders, the ghost hunting team are the experts on all kinds of entities including the ominous shadow people. Below is an excerpt from Finder’s founder and lead Ghost Hunter Grant Henley’s notes on Shadow People.

Types – Classified as how they appear to the human eye

Human Shaped
These make up the bulk of the Shadow People sightings and include the typical cloaked figure and shadow people wearing hats.  These can come in a variety of combinations.  Obviously what these shadow people are is pure speculation at this point.
The persistent shadow people of the lurking variety don’t seem to be purely evil in intent, and almost seem more interested in us or at least in feeding off our energy.  Others are simply negative manifestations of spirits. Almost universally though, they are a sign of something negative.

Black Mass
Less human in form, but still of that general size and the black mass type of shadow people give the impression of being a human figure but more fuzzy or blurred.  They can change in shape, forming more of a cloud, but the impression is always that an entity it there.
It is my assertion that many of these black mass Shadow People are former people who have become negative spirits. The more time they spend trapped in our plane the more they will grow in power and lose their human identity.  A black mass absorbs more and more negative emotion their sense of being human and who they were in life fades and becomes distorted. In the end, the become a form of the following type of shadow people, demonic.

The most dangerous of the types of Shadow People, demonic shadows should be avoided at all costs.  Among Shadow People, these are one of the few types having the visible eyes.  Demonic forms vary widely, but usually retain a humanoid shape, but are often exaggerated in height, have wings or horns or elongated fingers. Demons are all about manipulation so they will take the form of whatever scares you the most and they will feed off your fear. They do not give the impression of being a normal ghost or sentient entity.

Suggested Motivations – Classified based on various reported interactions

Found in homes and very often around bedrooms, the classic shadow people tend to be lurking.  They will stand in doorways or corners watching their victims. These types of shadow entities don’t seem to have any intent; they are just there observing.  Sometimes they will wander a location, following people, or stalking them. Quite often they flee at being noticed, vanishing around corners or simply by going through a solid wall. Lurkers seem primarily to be attached to an individual and have been known to follow people from one location to the next.

Unlike Lurkers, these will not stay in one spot and watch; they will actively interact in an attempt to harm, frighten their victims.

Typically going from one place to another, and seem not particularly interested in the goings on of those that observe them. Of all the types of Shadow People, these are the least understood as they do not linger and interact with us.

Some sightings of shadow people appear to be omens or portents of something bad happening, much like the legends of seeing a Barghest (Hell Hound) is a portent of death.
Similar to the Lurkers, these entities are associated with just one person and are a more transitory occurrence, stopping after the event or tragedy has taken place.

Haunting is tied to a location and seems to haunt only that area. Those that haunt a location tend to be more malevolent and dangerous to encounter. They seem many times to be trapped in time and do not comprehend the reasons for the person’s presence in their ‘world.' Because of this, they are less likely to flee when spotted and may choose to attack instead.

Learn More about Shadow People here.

Finders is coming in Fall 2019!

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Ghost Hunting Myths - What You Can't See Can't Hurt You!

In my research for my upcoming paranormal thriller Finders I found very real and scary warnings from current ghost hunters. Ghost Hunting is dangerous. Here is one of the warnings.

What you can't see can't hurt you is the biggest misconception many eager investigators or just curious people happen to make when exploring the actual world of paranormal activity and reported real hauntings. 

Anyone that endeavors to participate or investigate reported real hauntings and paranormal hotspots around the world must realize many supernatural encounters will permanently leave their mark and could change you for the rest of your life.

Whether a haunting is real or not many who have investigated haunted houses, cemeteries or even local urban legends have not walked away unscathed.
Ghosts can also throw things as well as moving heavy objects that might make a situations or locations dangerous to the living. 

From stumbling in the dark from your own missed step to being physically attacked by what some call unseen forces. You can and will at some point suffer injuries when hunting for real ghosts. 

Many real ghosts can and will inflict physical pain on the living. They can also take over your mind and possess you in the classic sense.

Many real reported ghost and hauntings also have a psychological effect on the living. Many individuals have been driven to madness by such encounters and never recover suffering from night terrors, PTSD, and traumatic depression.
A malignant spirit can induce severe depression, paranoia, sleeplessness, physical illness and even take control over someone’s actions. All of these or even some of these symptoms can destroy marriages, resulting in the loss of money and securities and even result in suicidal thoughts and action. 

Not all ghosts, as many would lead you to believe, are harmless though televisions shows and many paranormal investigators and writers will often tell you otherwise.

Want to learn more go here


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