Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Teaser Tuesday - Ever the Same by Amy Romine

Twenty–three dead, seven survivors, a self-confessed mad man, and a little girl traumatized into silence. Now, fifteen years later the seven survivors are dying one by one.

Rachel Alton returned to Whitten’s Grove for one reason and that was to prevent a massacre. Her attendance at the local wedding of two of her best friends was just for fun. Then Ben Mitchell walked into the picture. Without warning, her oldest friend awakens her dormant heart, giving her hope for the future. She struggles to turn away, wanting to protect him. The clock is ticking, and Rachel alone fights against the inevitable. When forces from beyond throw Ben into the middle of the fight, will she walk away, or sacrifice herself to prevent a tragedy from happening twice?

The room smelled of a sweet grape and Rachel opened her eyes to a collage of purple. Every shade, accessory and accent of the color covered the walls and furniture. A young girl of eighteen sat on her bed, looking at Rachel curiously.
“I can’t find my scarf, have you seen my scarf,” the young girl asked Rachel, getting on her knees beside the bed and reaching beneath.
“No, I haven’t,” Rachel replied, scanning the room.
“Can you help me find it? I can’t leave without it,” the girl stated as she continued to reach beneath her bed.
Rachel stood and stepped toward the closet bursting with clothing all in different hues of amethyst. Spying a lavender scarf edged with sequined stars hanging from the doorknob of the closet, Rachel reached for it, the fabric brushing against her fingers. “Is this what you are looking for,” Rachel asked as she held it in her hand.
The girl smiled brightly as she skipped over, taking it from Rachel’s hands. “Do you like these jeans,” the girl asked as she studied Rachel and then turned to her closet.
Rachel stepped toward the photo littered vanity.
“My Dad hates them, but I think they are the bomb. I got them for thirty bucks at the resale shop on 4th, do you know it?”
“No,” Rachel replied, studying the hodgepodge of idols, family and friends. “I’ll have to check it out.”
“Definitely,” the girl replied, looking Rachel up and down. “Although your outfit is tight, I wish I could wear that, my tits are too small.”
Rachel smiled to herself, but continued examine the contents of the vanity. Endless shades of blush, lipstick and eye shadow. Lining the edges of the vanity were pools of hardened wax stemmed by candles.
“How do I look,” the girl asked.
Rachel turned to see that she had changed her shirt and tied the scarf around her neck. Before Rachel could answer, the girl leapt forward.
Hopping past Rachel to the vanity, picking up a tube of lipstick, she opened it and put it on. Looking at herself in the mirror, Rachel watched the girl focus on the texture of her skin as it lost its moisture and became sullen before her eyes.
“Amanda,” Rachel said softly as she joined her in the mirror. “Did you know him?”
“Momma always said that an outfit was incomplete without lipstick,” she said, ignoring the question and her decaying reflection. Rachel leaned forward, touching her shoulder, and Amanda’s skin became plump and rosy once again.
“You look beautiful…” Rachel said with a soft smile.
Amanda stepped away from the mirror and immediately grabbed her purse.
“No…” she replied as she stopped, staring down at the bed. “I never saw his face. I…I wish I could help you. I didn’t see him, but I…I can still feel him.”
“It’s okay,” Rachel reassured as she watched Amanda walk toward the door.
“You know, he said you would come,” she said in an uneasy voice.
“Who said?” Rachel pressed.
“Why did he do this, because of what I am?”
“I don’t know, I think so,” Rachel replied honestly. “But I swear I am going to everything I can to stop him.”
“You can’t stop him…” Amanda replied, her body beginning to quiver. “He… he knows you…he’s…”
“Amanda, what do you mean?”
She backed up fearfully against the wall. “He’s here! He’s watching…”
“No, Amanda, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Amanda went from cries of fear to pain to screaming agony. Her screams pierced Rachel’s chest sucking away her air like a vacuum. The girl’s screams stopped, Rachel stood staring into her beautifully jeweled fear filled eyes before Amanda’s body cracked liked an aged painting and disintegrated into thin air.
Rachel’s heart and lungs constricting beyond her ability to cope and she dropped to her knees. A knock echoed in her mind.


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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Awesome Excerpt Thursday ~ Kaidyn's Courage by Diana Waters

Book title: Kaidyn's Courage
Author: Diana Waters
Genre: M/M Romance / Fantasy
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Date published: March 15, 2019
Book length: Approx. 51,000 words

Blurb: Kaidyn is the son of the queen and a trainee officer in the kingdom of Sareen. He is also a Half-Blood—his father is from Iskandir, a neighboring kingdom which has been at war with Sareen for many years. Bitter and angry at the prejudice he faces, Kaidyn meets Sorin, a healer from one of Sareen’s most prominent noble families. As their relationship deepens, the war between Sareen and Iskandir grows worse. Not only will the pair inevitably become involved with the conflict one way or another, but Sorin is also hiding a secret, and time is running out for them both.

Note: This is the second book in the Wild Magics series (the first being the short novella, A Trust to Follow). However, both books are completely readable as standalone stories, as they take place in the same universe but feature a different cast.


“Oi! The Watch, run!”
Kaidyn’s ears had caught it, too—the clinking of steel as a patrol wandered nearby, perhaps attracted by the sounds of their struggle. No others could walk the city streets openly armed, even by day. Not that Kaidyn wanted to stick around any longer than his attackers. He had no wish to be locked up for the night either.
The man directly in front of him seized him by the collar of his shirt. “Something to remember me by,” he muttered, and Kaidyn knew his mouth was open but couldn’t hear his own gasp as he was dealt a final blow. The hit wasn’t in his stomach again, as he’d been expecting, but at the side of his head. It felt like an object struck him, not merely a fist, but something blunt and hard. He felt the blood begin to drip from the base of his skull and trickle down his neck. The world wavered around him as the last of the men ran off. Cowards, all.
Kaidyn took an uneven step, then several more. He tilted toward the ground but did not fall. Luck. Where is Luck? I have to find him, before...
He was still so angry, but his thoughts were leaking out of him along with the blood, the dizziness beginning to con-sume them. If I don’t hurry...
The stars were wheeling somewhere above him. When did I fall to the ground? He tried to search for a familiar landmark, but his sight was failing him. Kaidyn had either drank too much or been hit too hard.
“Oh!” Kaidyn heard a gasp, but it had not come from him. It wasn’t Luck, either. He tried to get up, to defend himself once more, but his hands met only empty air.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise—”
Kaidyn growled, his tone low and furious.
“All right, all right,” the voice soothed him. “I’ll just wait until you’re ready to walk again, shall I?” The unknown per-son sounded sympathetic. Gentle, even, and impossibly, unbearably kind. But that must have been in his head, because surely nobody who saw Kaidyn in his current state could be anything but disappointed, disgusted, or a combination of the two.
“It’s going to be all right,” the voice continued, and to Kaidyn’s astonishment he felt a cool hand touching his brow, brushing wisps of hair from his forehead. He could not remember the last time he had been touched with such tenderness. “I have you. You’re safe now. I won’t leave you alone here.”
Kaidyn shook his head, forcing his sight to clear. A pair of eyes stared anxiously back down at him and drew him in, as though calling him on from somewhere. But from where? Where...
He had definitely imagined that part, because this stranger, whoever he was, could not have known his name, much less the one reserved for his closest friends.
But he could not think any longer, he was falling, falling... and running again, running away from the pain and the bile rising in his throat, escaping everything but the darkness that finally overtook him to swallow him whole.

Author Bio: Diana is a New Zealander currently living in rural Japan. She has no idea where in the world she’ll be this time next year and is pretty okay with that. Other than reading and writing, her main passions include travel, amateur photography, and competitive swimming.

Author Twitter link: https://twitter.com/diana__waters


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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Writing Warriors Wednesday ~ Write Like You're Already Famous!

My kids are constantly boasting about how I’m a famous author. I just laugh at them and say yep, that’s me the Famous Author Mom.

What makes us famous or even infamous? What makes anyone famous? Is it the amount of money you make—probably not. There are lots of billionaires. I don’t know them from Joe Schmo at the convenience store.  How about what you drive or your wearing Brand name clothing – these things will probably get you noticed. We all know just because we own expensive items does not mean we can afford them.  Being on all of the talk shows and having a billion YouTube followers? – Yeah, not so much.

To me – in my ever so humble opinion—being famous is about two things. Confidence and determination.

In a previous post – To blog or not to blog – we talked about marketing and how you are not selling books anymore you are selling yourself. It is a harsh truth. We all know Best Seller, and Award-Winning means nothing when it comes to selling books. Yes, it helps, it shows your marketing skills, but we have famous books – one comes to mind in particular—that were worldwide best sellers, had movies made based on them and the book, well, sucked.  There are two reasons for this – the Big 5 is one of them. We all know money = success. If you have the money to splash TV ads, print media and buy your way onto the best-seller list, you will have a profitable book.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not discounting any authors abilities and deserved success. There are a ton of authors that succeeded and deserve every accolade they get.

To the world an author’s success is based on volume. How many books have you sold? Well, that is none of their business, to be frank. No one but you and your publisher knows those numbers.  That – my friends is a good thing. Use it, do not let your sales or lack thereof stifle your writing or make your doubt your talent. Being famous is a state of mind. The perfect example of this is the Kardashians. Seriously, think about it. They were nothing, but they became famous because of their confidence in themselves and what they have to offer the world. And money – lots of money.

Let me put it this way – if you reached the top of the pile and your books were selling like hotcakes on a summer griddle would that change the way you write? Would it change the way you perceive your writing? Your goals? Your ability to continue to get better, hon your craft? Would you feel more creative freedom? Would it change the way you market your books?

The world – via book sales is telling you – wow you are awesome and famous! 
What does it mean?

Reality? It means nothing. Not really.

So why not act like you are famous now? You are. You are a published author! Do the work, hon your craft, edit until your eyes bleed, and market like you are on speed. You are already famous. Use it, leverage it – write like it. Don’t hold back, let the words and ideas fly. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing, right? You can only gain. Gain experience, and visibility which equals book sales.

Okay so don’t go nuts and start yelling “do you not know who I am?” when the barista screws up your coffee. But do walk into a room of other authors proud. Talk about your book on social media. Brag about your book at parties and events. List your self as Published Author on your resume, business cards and emails.

The point to his whole post is –
You have just as much to offer as the Kardashians (or whomever you want) if not more. Scream it at the top of your lungs and keep working because you are already famous, the world just doesn’t know it yet.

This post was partially inspired by an amazing book I read a few years ago – Write Like You are Already Famous by a good friend of mine, M. LeMont. This post is also inspired by my fellow authors who while sitting in a dim room pound out millions of words every year. Keep going. 

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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Teaser Tuesday ~ Finders

Now that Finders is off to the editor I thought I would give y'all another sneak peek. Enjoy!

Blurb When an expert Demonologist a meets a Reality Show Producer on the Ghost Hunting Show Finders, sparks of true love fly so bright even the Devil takes notice.

Demonologist Luke Melloy has seen the face of true evil. He's fought it and sent it back to hell. It's what he does. To Claire Westin, ghosts and demons are just great television and good for ratings. When faced with the truth Luke has seen, her reality is turned upside down as the two are swept into dire straits just moments after they meet. Desire sparks between the unlikely pair, throwing their hearts into chaos. Love was neither expected or wanted.

When the demon targets an unsuspecting Claire with his wrath, Luke finds his focus split between his oath to God and the awakening of his heart. Together, they must face the ancient evil and defeat it. Or lose everything.


Claire moved off to the right. Luke forced himself to not look in her direction, giving her needed privacy. Arranging his clothes to dry he left a drying rod for Claire’s things.

You’re a professional. Your attraction to this woman is superficial and based on the extreme circumstances of the moment. Nothing more. Focus.

Luke turned to the bed of leaves realizing his little pep talk wasn’t working. Running a frustrated hand over the back of his neck, Claire stepped into his eyeline, and he stopped. Her hair once pulled up and away from her face, was now a cascade of caramel dancing in the firelight. She moved carefully. Her bare feet unsteady on the rocky floor. The edge of his gray t-shirt showed off her long, toned legs but covered enough to tweak his imagination. Her blue eyes shone brightly despite the surrounding darkness. Luke struggled to focus on anything but the ravishing beauty walking toward him.

“Where do you want me to put these?” She asked, her eyes full of uncertainty.

“I’ll…” he started and then stopped recalling her need not to be coddled. “You can hang them here.” Luke referenced the piece of wood hanging over the fire. She stepped forward. Luke put another log on the fire and moved to the pile of leaves.

“How is this gonna work?” She asked, her gentle voice a small whisper from behind.

“The idea is to create heat through mutual body warmth, then trap the heat under the leaves to raise body temperature. Not the most ideal situation but it’s all we have until the clothes dry out,” Luke said, Claire was already shivering violently. He wasted no more time. “You’re going to lay down first, on your side facing the wall. I’ll lay down next to you, cover you with my body as much as possible. Once settled in we can cover ourselves with the leaves.”

Claire went from feeling awkward to not caring one single bit about her nakedness. She was freaking cold! Claire moved forward, the sharp rocks beneath her feet making her wince in pain. The glossy leaves were a comfort for her feet. She lowered first to her knees and then bent forward on her hands. She was shifting to get comfortable as possible, finding herself struggling without something beneath her head.

The sound of rustling and the delicious warmth of his body alerted Claire to Luke’s presence. His large arm slid beneath her neck to cradle her head, and she thanked God for miracles. Her body shivered in response. Luke started twisting, she could feel him draping the leaves over their bodies. Once finished his free arm wrapped securely around her waist pulling her solidly against his heated chest. If she would stop shivering, she could almost feel sleep pulling her away.

“No sleeping, princess.”

“No promises.”

“Not an option.”

* * * *

That's it! That is all you get!

Hope you LOVED it!

Finders will be out this FALL!

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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Super Hero Sunday! ~ Armor of the Goddess - Red Heels

Undeniably, the color red is a sign of strength and power, the clout seekers of the world wear it like a uniform, and the most influential countries have it as part of their flags. It is known as the power tie, and a universal statement of, “don’t mess with me, you will regret it.”

Great leaders of the world wore red when making some of the most infamous speeches in history. There have been many songs have been written about its luster, and the color has been symbolized and condemned in the same thought.

After much thought on the iconic symbol of unforgettable women and all super-women I have decided red heels are the winner. Superman has his red cape, Superwoman has her red heels.

Have you ever watched a woman try on a pair of red shoes? There is a shy smile, a twinkle in her eye, and many times her cheeks will blush in embarrassment. Every woman on the planet owns a pair of red heels, and if they don't, it's because they haven’t found the perfect pair yet. Oh yes, you will find them in every closet, of course they may be hidden in the back corner, but they are there, waiting to be worn. There is no understating the confidence it takes to wear them either. We want to be able to back up the statement they send and some of us are not quite there yet.

For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, to wear a pair of red heels, even in the privacy of your own bedroom, is like an adrenaline shot to the heart. They exude power, confidence, sexual prowess, and most importantly--the armor it takes to be unstoppable.
Many will think that I am staking too much on a pair of shoes, that it is just a symbol of a confident woman with a sense of style. Oh no it is much, much more than that. There is a reason women do not wear red heels, and there is a reason they do.

Red heels are scary. If you wear them, people will notice, people will look, and you will attract attention. Self doubt closes in and suffocates those who are just not ready for that kind of exposure. So the heels sit at the back of the closet waiting for their time in the spotlight. It will come, someday, we just have to be ready for it.

The power of the red heel is not something to be trifled with, it is a double edged sword. The red heel definitely obtains the spotlight, but there are always critics who will not approve of the choice. We know as women we must be prepared for both, and in reverence to the red heel we must be strong and gorgeous or the magic disappears.

Wow Amy, you are going way overboard on this whole red heel thing…

Am I? Ask yourself, when was the last time you wore your pair of red heels, and how did you feel when you did, and why haven’t you donned your red heels lately?

The truth is red heels--your red heels, speak volumes about who you are as a woman, your strength, your passion, your fire. When you wear red you feel confident and in control. Wearing red brings excitement into your day. It is the color of stimulation, showing a sense of exhilaration, but also suggesting a demanding character. You are amazing and the red heels make sure everyone knows it! So pull them out of the closet, put them on, and prance around the living room, wear them to lunch, or pull them out for some fun in the bedroom.

They, my dears, are one of your many secret weapons, use them wisely and knock the world back a few notches! You are sexy, you are strong, YOU are unstoppable!

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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Awesome Excerpt Thursday ~ Slider Girl (Weird Fishy Tales 1) by Jack Crux


“It wasn't his face that piqued her attention, although with its striking cheekbones, proud mouth, and strong nose, it was achingly beautiful. Neither was it his inky-black hair, unfashionably short. Not his slim angular body caught at the end of the long years of transition from boy to man, nor his perfectly shaped buttocks that begged to have a hand squeeze them. He was more than bonny, it was true.
All these things retained her interest but did not ensnare her gaze, did not capture her attention as surely as a hook through the lip of a fish.
It was his eyes…

There was nothing quite so depressing as an English seaside town, once the drunken day-trippers and fighting families had scuttled back to the cities for their winter. Fala mused as, answering the overpowering pull deep in her soul, she wandered through the insipid grey for most of the morning. As she walked, the wearying weight of her loss threatened to smother her like a rolling sea fog. Her dull, aching chasm of grief made it easy to ignore the tatty amusements desperately flashing their gaudy lights and playing infuriatingly catchy tunes at her through the murky mist, the frighteningly forlorn laughing policeman machine, cackling loud enough to penetrate the peace of any child's dreams, was one nightmare too many.
And yet Fala sensed more mundane fears roaming the deserted streets, so that the sense of desperation was palpable, the shopkeepers and businessmen losing all hope for a summer, now long gone, that had never delivered where it mattered, in their accounts. The town was tottering on the very edge of despair. All who could have, had already left the dirty streets for something better, and only the truly hopeless remained, flotsam washed ashore with no means of re-floating itself.
Fala fit right in.
Periodically, as if to add to her despondency, the salty rain blown in from the sea threatened to engulf everything in large, smattering spots. Earlier, for a time the sun had managed to fight through the dense cloud to bring a shadowy ethereal light to proceedings and lift Fala’s mood but towards noon even it had given up as if the energy needed to keep the sepia gloom at bay was too much and it retreated, swallowed by the cloud as the dreary rain set in.
Fala was miserable and cold, far deeper than the marrow of her bones. The temperature did not touch her, never had. She did not fail to be invigorated by a swim in even the coldest ocean. It was the paucity of spirit that sapped her strength, threatened her purpose. Danger could be anywhere. Her enemies were ruthless and efficient, and they thrived on the thrill of the hunt. Failure and intense loneliness stalked her as she shunned all human contact and simply stood staring out from the pier, a solitary figure almost indistinguishable in the grey, lost to the pull of the ocean and the memories that haunted her.
Eventually, sodden and shivering, she allowed her feet to take her where they would, and she shuffled into the last cafe at the end of the pier. To her surprise, it smelt of warmth and safety in a way few places did, but such unexpected comfort caused the warning bell inside her to clang harshly.
Something was amiss.
Something was about to happen.
Accepting fate with the stoicism of one who had previously tried and failed to change it, she chose a table by the window, shook off her saturated jacket like a dog emerging from the water and sat down.
She ignored her internal alarm's continuing dull peal with a studied indifference that silenced both her dread and her expectation. The need for accompaniment and love were both directly at odds with the weary acceptance of what such a relationship would bring.
She had been alone for too long and she was as tired as death. She lacked the will to begin again.
And then she saw those eyes.
Every colour of the ocean swirled there, from the sparse chilly silver grey of the poles shrouded in ice and fog at the very edges of the world to the brilliant blue balmy warmth of the tropics.
Alluring and so dangerous.
Fala tried to look away, she really did, to reject the hope that rushed through her as those beautiful orbs held her glance challengingly, but she was already lost. Lost in their depth, their current and their colour, flowing, swirling, pulling her in like the most hazardous whirlpool in the deepest water…”

Author Bio

Jack Crux lives and works in beautiful Aberdeenshire in north-east Scotland, taking as inspiration the wonderful scenery there. Find out more by visiting the Jack Crux Facebook page or tweeting JackCruxofit@cruxy95



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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Saturday Seven ~ April 27th 2019

Happy Saturday, what have you been up to this week? Here is a rundown of highlights for the week. I hope you find them useful in your life! My goal as a person and a writer are to always Pay-It-Forward, so please let me know how I can help you. YES, YOU!
Enjoy your weekend & this post! Amazing things to come!

·        What am I Reading? – A terrific post by Astounding Author Kristen Lamb ~ Three Ways We Sabotage Our Own Success & How to Change https://tinyurl.com/y5pn562f ~ the focus is writing, but the blog is meant for anything. Dieting, projects, life! She is always such an inspiration and so relatable. Love it! Highly recommend you check out this post and her blog in general.

·        What am I Listening to? –   Funny enough, my own book. Last week’s Saturday Seven was canceled due to my fevered effort to finish Finders. Now I am editing and using something new! My soft edits completed (Grammar, spelling, etc.) I am currently listening to the manuscript via MS WORD. Text to Speech used to be a thing you had to purchase but it is included in MS WORD (under the Review Ribbon), and the voice is actually pretty natural sounding. I HIGHLY recommend listening to anything you write. It points out errors and phrasing you would not otherwise detect.
·        What Quote am I pondering? – “Free will” is one of the most precious gifts we have. To give it over to peer-pressure, psychics, or a dependency on drugs and alcohol is dangerous and incredible waste.” ~ Lorraine Warren, Ghost Tracks: Case Files of Ed & Lorraine Warren ~ So very true! My drug of choice is sleep, and even that is horrid. If you want something go get it! Do not let anyone stand in your way! Special Note ~ Lorraine Warren passed away in her sleep last week at age 92. She is now waltzing with Ed in Heaven! ~ God Bless you Lorraine and Ed Warren and thank you for fighting the good fight!

·        What am I Researching? –  This week was all about architecture. One of the last things I do in a manuscript is to add the descriptions of local. Like an ominous church standing on the top of a hill. And then once in the church what are all of the rooms called, like Vestibule, Nave, Sacristy and Sanctuary. Also comes in handy when you are writing an action scene where your characters are split into different areas. You’d think I would remember this stuff from six years at Catholic School? Apparently not. Lots of fun!

·        Yummy Meal of the Week – Pot Roast ~ a family favorite! Garlic, Onion, Soy sauce all thrown into a pot with Sweet potatoes (or red potatoes), carrots, & celery. Slow cook for 8 hours and viola, a perfect meal and leftovers for a week! Add some BBQ sauce and bread --a yummy sandwich has emerged!

·         What did I Learn? –  I learned the comma, and I am not friends. Seriously, I edit and find that I put commas where they are not needed and am missing commas where they are required. Good lord, thank goodness for Grammarly! Also, this time around I am an and lover. Went back and fixed all of them but jeez! I think it is my fear of fragmented sentences which makes no sense at all, but that is the source – I think.

·         What am I Watching? –  Easter Sunday I watched a Live streaming Easter Pageant through Victory Church here in Tulsa. It was very professionally done – like Hollywood approved—pretty authentic. The Way of Sorrows and the Crucifixion was brutal, bloody, and dramatic. All in all, well done and I was impressed.

      I am on tour again promoting the Dead Air Chronicles! Lucky random commenters have a chance to win free books and there is a $25 Amazon Card grand prize! Check out the tour dates through May 18th and I hope to see you there!

**Special Announcement**
I will be featured on an upcoming Podcast!
Write away Podcast host Natalie Lockett is interviewing me on Creativity and Story Ideas
Check it out on May 1st

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